Teach Brian to Code

Meet Brian. He is 3 years old puggle (Pug and Beagle cross) and he loves to chasing moving objects(especially cats!), learn new stuff and COOKIES!

One day at the dog play ground, Brian heard that there is a website teaches cat to code (Yes. You heard me right, a CAT!). He couldn't believe there is such a thing but after all, cats are smart creatures and he recalled he saw a cat plays piano in youtube. He asked me if I can find a website teaches dog to code. After several hours of researching, I told him that unfortunately there is no such a thing. Brian smiled at me and said I should start one.

This is a journey of me and Brian, my smart dog, learning how to code and trying to adjust life in California.

In case you want to know little bit about me, I am a Korean-Canadian living in the SF Bay. I spend my time with Brian, brewing beer(or apple cider) or developing a new vegetarian recipes. You can read more about me here

I recently published a blog post about my experience as a female Software Developer at Deximity. You can find the article at Doximity's Engineering Blog.

TIL - Mini Tech Blog / Cheatsheet POST Dev Bootcamp

Here is a list of cool things I've learned in phase 0 of Dev Bootcamp

Final DBC Project 2TR - A New Way to Learn Coding

Food Truck SF - Finding Food Trucks Near You

Engineering Empathy - The Journey of Understanding Myself and Others

  • Thinking Style and Learning Curve

  • Hack way to Gender and Racial Inequality

  • Dealing with Feedback

  • Stereotyping Threats. Are we living in the programmed world?

  • Values that I care

  • Conflict and Effective Resolution

  • How to Ask a Good Question?

  • Fun jQuerySF 2015 - More stickers and free T-shirts

  • My First Engineering Interview

  • 2nd Job Hunting

  • Visitor Counter