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Hack way to Gender and Racial Inequality

Date: Jan 18, 2015

In Oct 2014, about 60 high school and college-age women participated in the 2014 International Women’s Hackathon — a computer programming competition — held on the campus of Cal State San Marcos.

There have been numerous surveys and studies conducted regarding both quality of position, pay level and number in tech industry. Although many tech products such as facebook, twitter and instagram are used more by women, ironically the developers ratio was not even close. Forbe magazine published the article titled "Women in Tech: Female developers By the number" claimed that out of every 100 software developers/engineers in Los Angeles, approximately 10-12 are female in 2011.

Not surprisingly, the tech industry has come under scrutiny for its lack of gender and racial diversity, with Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo and Microsoft releasing data in recent months showing that women make up only about 30 percent of their workforces.

Ethnic diversity may bigger issue. Most of big bosses are white and Asian men. Among technical employees, few are women, and even fewer are Latino or African-American according to New York Times(Oct, 4 2014).

Why Gender and Racial Equality is important?

Many companies are eager to recruit more and more female and under represented ethnic grop developers. But why?

An obvious reason. In order to diversify the product and more profitable and attractive product development. Many studies show that companies with gender and ethnic diversity tend to be more creative and more profitable, because varied perspectives help them design products and services that appeal to a diverse consumers.

Some smart companies are doing extra efforts to meet their diversity targets by introducing long term strategies. Facebook is a great example. Facebook is working with professional associations like and other nonprofit groups like GDI(Girl Develope It) to get more girls and minority children interested in science and technology. A big issue facing the industry is the percentage of female computer science students at universities.

The notable fact is that the computer related major female student number has fallen in the last 20 years, although the percentage of women in fields like biology and chemistry has risen. In addition, the percentage of women in higher education are more than men and no doubt significant number of female students choose to become medical and law professionals. But why not computer developers?

My story

I studied math and chemistry in college. Although I do have bit of interest in science and engineering, I chose to be in different field like diplomacy and finance. Those industries at that time were more attractive and recognizable. I do not want to generalize theory becuase of my personal experience but I am sure many will related to this. The word 'nerd', which I think most widely being used to describe people in tech industry is simply not attractive to young women. More importantly there are simply not many female role models in the industry.

Amazon TV - Transparent

Trust me, I am still talking about gender inequality in tech industry.

Transparent is new TV sevies produced by Amazone Studio that debuted on Feb 2014. The show describe a story about a guy in 50's living in LA coming out as a trans-gender. This is from the producer:

"Transparent stands for gender freedom for all, and within that freedom we can find grays and muddled purples and pinks, chakras that bridge the heart and mind, sexiness that depends on a masochistic love or sweeping soul dominance. In particular, Transparent wants to invent worlds that bridge the binary: Genderqueer, Boygirl, Girlboy, Macho Princess, and Officer Sweet Slutty Bear Captain are just a few incredibly confusing, gender-fucking concepts that come to mind."

The show won 2015 Gloden Globe for Best TV series - Musical or Comedy and the Best Actor in a TV series. Considering the success and the popularity of the show, I am hoping that this will help and 'stands for' many people who are under-represented in our society.

Perhaps we need something like this. I am not particularily talking about new 'TV show about women in Tech' but sure it will help. But if you ever produce and write about women in tech industry, please do not focus on women with pink hair and million tatoos. Or small tiny asian women do not speak good English and watching anime in her lunch break. Show some diversity. Bring some 'common sense' approach and deliver true attractiveness of the industry. In order to attract more women and different ethinic groups, we need to have better way of recruite and educate them. The tech industry portrait as 20-something-college white guys playing beer-pong,wearing hoodie and crox (Yes. You neard me right, crox!) will not going to atract women, especially hispenic and african american boys and girls.

But HOW?

I think companies like google and facebook are doing great. But they need to have better strategy and long-term plan. (Perhaps hiring women in charge of gender equality department will be the first step!?)

Early education programs and awareness compaigns, targetted scholarship programs are ALL very important. More importantly, girls need to see more role models in tech industry. Not only while men with crox and hoody. If we(girls) are the biggest consumer in the world, we shall take up 50% of product developer position.