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The Elegant loop - Recursion

Aug 10, 2015


Recursion is a programming concept whereby a function invokes itself. Recursion is typically used to solve problems that are decomposable into subproblems that are just like the original problem, but a step closer to being solved.

def factorial_maker(num) if num == 1 return num end #base case result = num * factorial_maker(num-1) return result end

Print Num to 0

def ntooh (num) if num == 0 return num end p num ntooh(num-1) end

Add Number from 0 to Num

def plus(num) if num == 0 return 0 end result = num + plus(num-1) return result end

More advance recursion - Regular Sort

Regular short is to find the smallest number in the array and then push to the new array. This operation cost n2 time. Not the best and the fastest way of doing it but with power of recursion, the code is clean and readable.

def regular_sort(arr) result = [] smallest = arr.first if arr.length == 0 return result end for i in 1..arr.length-1 if smallest >= arr[i] smallest = arr[i] end end arr.delete_at(arr.rindex(smallest)) result.push(smallest) result+=stack_sort(arr) end

Stack and Queue Sort

The purpose of these exercise is to 1. understand the stack and queue in the database and make sort function with limited methods. The stack_sort is to use 'pop' and 'push' only and queue_sort is to use 'shift and unshift'.

#Stack_Sort def stack_sort(arr) sorted_arr = [] smallest = arr.pop temp = [smallest] if arr.length == 0 return sorted_arr end while arr.length > 0 if smallest >= arr.last smallest = arr.last end temp.push(arr.pop) end sorted_arr.push(smallest) temp.delete_at(temp.index(smallest)) sorted_arr+=stack_sort(temp) end

# Queue_Sort def queue_sort(arr) biggest = arr.shift temp = [biggest] sorted_arr = [] rest = [] if arr.length == 0 return sorted_arr end while arr.length > 0 if arr.first > biggest biggest = arr.first end temp.push(arr.shift) end while temp.length > 0 if temp.first == biggest sorted_arr.push(temp.shift) else rest.push(temp.shift) end end sorted_arr+=queue_sort(rest) end

The key of recursion is the base case and the 'trust'. You must trust the fact that your recursion function will return exactly what you will ask for. Base case will stop the function once the condition was NOT meet. Therefore this is a 'breaker'. It is also important that the function must specify what this recursion will return.