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Rails Form Helper

Aug 28, 2015


Over the couple of days, I was working on rails projects to brush up overall rails structure and be familiar with troubleshooting. As any other learning experience, more you play with, more you will enjoy. The most time-consuming part of the rails projects was creating user interactive forms and links. How to call the new forms and send the form data to the controller and the action were the key of the exercise.

I always thought that overall, rails have fantastic documentation, I found that compare to other part, the form helper wasn't well documented.

The most popular use of the form helper functions are link_to, form_for and button_to.

Because there are many ways to set routes, there are many ways to make the form helper works. Here are a few example of how to use them.


<%= link_to "Sign out", signout_path, id: "sign_out" %> <%= link_to "Profile", profile_path(@profile) %> # => <a href="/profiles/1"<Profile</a> <%= link_to "Profile", controller: "profiles", action: "show", id: @profile %> # => <a href="/profiles/show/1"<Profile</a> <%= link_to "Profiles", profiles_path %> # => <a href="/profiles"<Profiles</a> #Using External URL <%= link_to "Visit Other Site", "", data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" } %> # => <a href="" data-confirm="Are you sure?">Visit Other Site</a>


Similar to link_to, button_to is to creat a button and then the action will be assigned once the button has been pushed.

<%= button_to 'Favorite', "/foods/#{}/favorite", :style=> "margin-left: 20px" %> <%= button_to "New", new_articles_path %> #:style is an option to do simple styling to the button


Form_for is to get user inputs and then send to the specific controller and the action.

<%= form_for @review, url: reviews_path(food, current_user) do |f| %> <p>Rating: <%= f.text_field :rating %> Comment: <%= f.text_field :comment %> <%= f.submit "Review" %></p> <% end %> <%= form_for @review, url: {action: "create"}, html: {class: "nifty_form"} do |f| %> # html class is to give the form the class attribute for css <%= form_for(@review, url: reviews_path(@revuew), html: {method: "patch"}) %> #In order to use @review, you must speicify @review in the current controller. (e.g. @review =

Edit Function - How to pre-filled form in Edit Form

# View/html.erb =>This will send a user to the edit form. Don't be confused to send a user to 'update', right away. <%= link_to "Edit", edit_story_path(story), method: :get %> # edit form =>This time, we will send the form to the 'update' function. <%= form_for :story, :method => 'patch', :url => { :action => 'update'} do |f| %> <%= f.label :title%> <% @story = Story.find(params[:id]) %> <%= f.text_field :title, value: @story.title, :size=>"85x3" %> <%= f.label :contents %> <%= f.text_area :contents, value: @story.contents, size: "60x12" %> <%= f.submit "Update" %> <% end %> #value with @story.title will pre-fill for a user # story controller, update function def update @story = Story.find(params[:id]) if @story.update( title: params[:story][:title], contents: params[:story][:contents] ) redirect_to '/' else render 'edit' end end

Delete function - Standard way

# html.erb file <%= link_to 'Delete', story, method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %> # controller destroy (or delete) function def destroy @story = Story.find(params[:id]) @story.destroy! respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to '/', notice: 'Story was successfully destroyed.' } format.json { head :no_content } end end