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jQuery SF: Free Tshirts, Stickers and Beer

Date: June 23, 2015

jQuery SF 2015

It has been an amazing experience. I was having so much fun at the jQUery SF 2015 convention. Unfortunately I haven't met anyone can offer me a job, I learned so much about Accessibility and Security of website. I've also curious about angular, react and node.js and got some feel about what they are and what they can do.

I think that the absolutely amazing part of the convention was about accessibility of the website for disables.

I had no clue what it is like for visually impaired people to use a website or even code! They are using either browser reader or magnify the browser so they can see better. The speaker, , was fantastic. She demonstrated how she generally go over normal website and pointed out the problems she has when she naviagate the site. There are several rules that she mentioned.

  • First, don't be obsessive with big font. This may not be the best solution. Selecting good font-style(family) is way better solution than using a big font.
  • Color scheme. Having clear difference between divs and nav bar will help people to read.
  • Consistent design pattern. Each page has consistent color patten will help people navigate the site easy
  • Using appropriate tag. As a developer using correct tag like "button", "nav", "footer" will help people to access the site with the reader.

    Apparently there are developers that trying to improve user experience for various user groups and I think this should be and will be the industry standard soon

    Free Tshirts, Stickers and Beer

    I am in the right industry. Since I started learning coding, I've been blessed by numerous opportunity to learn and meet awesome people. People in this industry are willing to share and work together. I've been impressed. In addition to free tshirts, stickers and beer, willingness to share, kindness and innovative ideas are the things that makes me happy to be in this industry.