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Ruby classes vs. JavaScript constructor functions

Date: Feb 05, 2015

Classes are very important in object-oriented programming. This is because a class tells us helpful information about objects, and you can think of an object as a particular instance of a class.

There are several difference between Ruby classes and JavaScript Constructor functions. First, Ruby class is can be instanciate by attribute but JavaScript needs a special function called 'prototype'.

Here is an example of Ruby's class and instantiate process.

class Person def initialize(name, phone_number, address) @name = name @phone_number = phone_number @address = address end def print_out puts "#{@name}, #{@phone_number}, #{@address}" end end sarah ="Sarah Kwak", "650-3810-9918", "140 Belvedere Ave. San Carlos, CA 94070") sarah.print_out => Sarah Kwak, 650-3810-9918, 140 Belvedere Ave. San Carlos, CA 94070

JavScript has 'object constructor' does do similar job but have little bit different way. Here is an example.

Person = function(name, phone_number, address) { = name, this.phone_number = phone_number, this.address = address }; sarah = new Person("Sarah Kwak", "650-381-9918", "140 Belvedere Ave. San Carlos, CA 94070"); console.log(sarah); => { name: 'Sarah Kwak', phone_number: '650-381-9918', address: '140 Belvedere Ave. San Carlos, CA 94070' }

The thing is that not everything can be easily inherited to the class instance. The special keyword 'prototype' allows any function to be inherited to the class instance.

Dog = function(name, breed, age) { = name, this.breed = breed, this.age = age }; Dog.prototype.complain = function () { console.log("My name is " +" and I need COOKIES!"); }; brian = new Dog("Brian", "puggle", 3); brian.complain(); => My name is Brian and I need COOKIES!

"Inheritance Chain" means if a property is not defined for a class, this class's prototype chain will be traversed upwards until one is found (or not) in a parent (higher) class.

Animal = function(kind) { this.kind = kind, this.numLegs = 4 }; Animal.prototype.peace = function() { console.log("We all love peace!"); }; Dog = function(name, breed, age) { = name, this.breed = breed, this.age = age }; Dog.prototype = new Animal(); // This will make Brian = Dog = Animal brian = new Dog("Brian", "puggle", 3); console.log(brian.numLegs); brian.peace(); => 4 We all love peace!