
Sarah was born and grew up in Korea(South). She studied Chemistry in college. After graduation, instead of study further in Chemistry, she started her career in a diplomatic world. Sarah's first job was Senior Visa Officer at Australian Embassy in Seoul. After working with Australina for 4 years, she moved to Australia and enrolled Master's of Commerce in University of New South Wales. After graduation, she moved to Canada.

For the first 6 months in Canada, she'd studied in French. Although she claimed that she is able to understand french conversation but this is not verified fact. All we know is that when she was in Montreal all she asked was: "pouvez -vous parler anglais ?"

She'd lived in Ottawa, the capital city of Canada for nearly 3 years and moved to Victoria, BC because of her job. She was worked as a Quality Auditor and Safety Inspector for the Victoria class submarines for the last 4 years. How she learned about submarine operation and safety regulation is unclear.

Now Sarah is in San Francisco Bay area and enjoys her new career as a software engineer.


Brian is 3 years old pug and beagle cross (and he doesn't like the sound of 'puggle' so he always introduce himself as a 'pug-kind'). Brian is currently living with Sarah in California but he is originally from Alberta, Canada. He was with someone else for the first 2 years of his life in Alberta and moved to Victoria, BC. How he ended up in SPCA in Victoria is unclear. If you ask Brian, he would say "none of your business but it wasn't my fault.".

Brian loves vegetable and fruit except kale. Brian loves anything crunch except celery. He enjoys sunbathing and talking to Sophie, the dog next door. He doesn't want to call himself a lasy dog but he is definitely not a morning dog. Here is an example of typical day of Brian.

    Brian's Daily Schedule

  1. Wake up whenever Sarah wakes up(this could be 8:00)
  2. Breakfast
  3. Morning bathroom
  4. Nap time until Sarah's lunch time
  5. Having snack with Sarah. In Brian's opinion, Sarah isn't very generous person. She's never share whole lunch with Brian.
  6. Taking nap until Sarah wakes him up for walk or jogging
  7. Jogging/walk with Sarah and afternoon bathroom time
  8. Dinner. Dinner is served in between 4:30 to 7:00. It depends on Sarah's schedule
  9. Watching TV and couch time with Sarah. Brian's favorite show is 'Family Guy' and it's because of 'Brian', the talking dog character.

Other than a fact that Biran does not like a mail-person (any sort of delivery person), he is a friendly dog. While Sarah is learning to code, Brian is also trying to learn programming languages with Sarah but in his opinion, Sarah does not explain things properly. Brian likes video based lecture like but mostly he likes to reading tech blogs and follows tweeter for special subjects like #cookie, #dog_tech and of course #mail_man_schedule.