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Affirmation and Stereotype Threat

Date: Feb 05, 2015

Happiest, The Proudest, or the Most Satisfied.

My happiest, prodest and most satisfied moment? Wow, that's not an easy question. Although answer should be fairly easy. I've recently got married, went to Europe for honeymoon, move to California. There has been several life changing events (mostly positive), I can't put those moments as prodest or most satisfied ones. I would say perhaps the day I passed Project Management Certification test or the day I got a big promotion are more qualified answers to the question. I guess I cherish the most values that related to personal achievement, personal development, competence and perhaps influence.

And trust me, I am trying very hard to live up to those values.

Why those values are important TO ME?

I think genuine happiness and empathy towards others and self comes from confidence. Perhaps the reason is because I am not very confident person and I want to change that. I am constantly trying to increase my competency level so I can be more confident. It's not long ago I realized that that confidence is what I am lacking of. I think new skill, knowledge and development makes me feel good because that makes me feel confident and that is important to me.

Self awareness is also very important value. I am sure understanding of my weakness will help me to meditate difficult times.

When I am feeling down..

It has been ups and downs since I started 'phase 0' with DBC. Some weeks were easier than others, some challenges took hours of struggle.

When I feel down, here is what I do. I try to understand 'why'. I try to be logical (and that's one of my best skill and the worst). That works out so far but sometimes I just leave my desk and drink a couple of beer and that helps me too. I guess as much as I care of values like 'achievement, development and competency', I have relatively high expectation on me and that becomes little heavy on my shoulder from time to time.

The other day, at about noon I was walking with my dog, I started wonder why I wasn't happy with any of jobs I had. I wondered why I failed to be a prominent banker, manager or whatever professions I once dreamed. I wonder what brought me here, now. Despite the fact that I worked hard and tried to be best at given circumstances, I became no one. Certainly not a banker and not a manager with a window office.

New Dream

And then I realized how lucky I am having a second and third and fourth chances and revalue what matters the most and people I love. I really do not care of being a banker or having a window office any more. Those dreams were there for me to go forward at that time but no good for now. Now I have a new dream that I am working on. I have the best supporters - my family and friends and more importantly, better 'ME'. Suddenly I realized that I am in California and it's 21 degree in Feb and wonder what it would like if I am in a window office in Ottawa(-25 today). I don't think I would be happy anyway.