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Ruby Interview CheatSheet II


Namespacing is a way of bundling logically related objects together. Modules serve as a convenient tool for this. This allows classes or modules with conflicting names to co-exist while avoiding collisions.

module Perimeter class Array def initialize @size = 400 end end end our_array = ruby_array = p our_array.class =>Perimeter::Array p ruby_array.class =>Array

🙋 :: is a constant lookup operator that looks up the Array constant only in the Perimeter module.

Block, Proc and Lambda

Why use them? It's the ability to take a block of code, wrap it up in an object (called a proc), store it in a variable or pass it to a method, and run the code in the block whenever you feel like (more than once, if you want). So it's kind of like a method itself, except that it isn't bound to an object (it is an object), and you can store it or pass it around like you can with any object.

def doSelfImportantly someProc puts 'Everybody just HOLD ON!' puts 'Ok everyone, I\'m done.' end sayHello = do puts 'hello' end sayGoodbye = do puts 'goodbye' end doSelfImportantly sayHello doSelfImportantly sayGoodbye => Everybody just HOLD ON! hello Ok everyone, I'm done. Everybody just HOLD ON! goodbye Ok everyone, I'm done.

Class vs Module