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How Do I Ask a Good Question?

Date: Feb 21, 2015

Apparently it is all about asking a right question

When I finished my master's of commerce degree, someone asked me what was the most valuable thing I've learned through the course. The answer was 'how to google better'.

We are living in the world of information and the winner is someone who can find better and more information. Other than a fact that some professions require a certification and degree, this applies to any job, profession and position.

How to ask a good question?

According to, creating a good question is starting from research and keep track of what you find. Some answers you found may not help you right now but it will may lead you to look at the problem in a different angle. It is also important that the question has good title with one-line summary. What details can you include to help others understand your problem? Which tag I need to use? Those are key questions you need to ask when you start writing a question.

Unlike popular belief, spelling, grammar and punctuation are important in coding questions as well! I mean, the question can be even more complicated and ambiguous when it is written badly.

I also find anoyed by a question that has full page length code - basically someone cute and paste entire their text editor. It's not only distracting but very hard to understand the question itself.

If you are suck at asking a good question, don'g worry. Entire community will help you get better!!

I recently joined to ask some specific questions that I couldn't find good answers. I've posted my questions and within a couple of hours, I've getting answers from the community. A few questions aren't very helpful but they comes with good advice like this.

"...this may not help your situation but this is because your question wasn't clear enough for me to answer. You should do an edit to clarify. You owe it to readers, including those who will come across your question in future. As an incentive, I promise an upvote for a good edit. You might want to include the word, 'Edit, so as to not confuse those who have already seen your question..."

And I did. And he upvote for a good edit.

Everything need a practice and some mistakes are helpful. Aman